%0 Generic
%T MUSTO, J.: Later the Same Evening [Opera] (Barrett)
%A Musto, John
%A Manhattan School of Music Opera Orchestra
%A Musto, John Komponist
%I Albany
%K zeitgenössisch
%K Musik Computer- und Netzwerkressourcen
%K Oper
%D 090623
%X Streaming audio.
%X Later the Same Evening: Scene 1: You would have been so proud of today! (Elaine, Gus); Scene 1: Looking in, through that window (Elaine, Gus); Scene 2: It's really rather silly, a woman of my age (Estelle); Scene 2: Just for a moment, through that window, all is still (Estelle); Scene 3: At Clancy's I can be anybody (Gus, A Radio Voice, Radio Announcer); ... / Musto, John 01:09:50 --
%C Albany
%U http://slubdd.de/katalog?TN_libero_mab2
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